Depending on the plug I put on the welder.Ĭan I for example. What if I want the capability to run off either outlet? Say I want to make a few extension cords. Obviously it would most likely be better to run the 6-30 but that outlet is outside of the garage. Whats the best plug to go with on the dynasty? Reason I ask is. Well which is it? 125 or 250? If the outlet is 250 why is the plug 120?Ģnd question. They list a plug for the 6-20 T as a 125V but the NEMA reference chart says its 250V. How do I tell if the 6-20 T slot is 250 or 120? Reason I ask is cause when checking out stores. So I believe 20 amp/ 250V? Not sureġst question.
So I'm trying to figure out what to go with plug wise on the welder and also ways in which I can run it on different outlets.ġst looks to be a 6-20 T slot.